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Version: 2.0


LmcAdmin provides a dedicated navigation structure for the admin interface. By default, LmcAdmin initiates a Bootstrap layout on top the main admin navigation. These admin buttons are customizable.

Add a page

The admin structure requires at least a label for the navigation element and a route or url parameter for the link to be created. The route will use the url() view helper to construct a link. It is recommended to use routes in your child pages of LmcAdmin and therefore it is straightforward to use the route parameter in the navigation configuration.

In the following example, there is a navigation element called "Users" and points to lmcadmin/users as a route. This page is configured as follows:

'navigation' => [
'admin' => [
'my-module' => [
'label' => 'Users',
'route' => 'lmcadmin/users',

The navigation in LmcAdmin uses Laminas\Navigation and more information about the configuration of this component is located in the Laminas Navigation reference guide.