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Version: 2.0


It is typical to implement some form of authorization to restrict access to admin functions to users with administrative privileges.

LmcAdmin does not prescribe a specific authorization framework.

However, LmcAdmin can enable authorization via LmcRbacMvc.

Authorization using LmcRbacMvc

Configuration for LmcRbacMvc module is provided to easily configure LmcAdmin. Authorization enables you to restrict access to /admin and every other page under LmcAdmin.

To enable access restriction with LmcRbacMvc, install the module and enable it in your application.

There is a sample LmcRbacMvc configuration in theconfig/ file. Copy this file over to your config/autoload directory.

It provides LmcRbacMvc configuration to restrict access to users for the /admin route. Only users in the "admin" group are allowed to access LmcAdmin pages.

Uncomment the following lines:

return [
* Suggested LmcRbacMvc configuration for RBAC
'lmc_rbac' => [
'guards' => [
'Lmc\Rbac\Mvc\Guard\RouteGuard' => [
'lmcadmin*' => ['admin'],

Instructions for further configuration of LmcRbacMvc are provided in the LmcRbacMvc documentation.