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Version: 2.0

Getting Started

LmcAdmin is a low-level module that helps Laminas MVC Framework developers to create an admin interface. The module allows to have a uniform layout, navigation structure and routing scheme. You can create controllers routed as a child of LmcAdmin, so you can easily change the (root) url, access control and other properties. The navigation is also flexible, to allow you having a structure built of pages in the admin interface with menus, breadcrumbs and other links.


  • PHP 8.1 and later
  • Laminas MVC 3.0 or later


Install the module:

$ composer require lm-commons/lmc-admin

You will be prompted by the laminas-component-installer plugin to inject LM-Commons\LmcAdmin.

Manual installation:

Enable the module by adding Lmc\Admin key to your application.config.php or modules.config.php file for Laminas MVC applications.

Customize the module by copy-pasting the config/ file to your config/autoload folder.