Roles and Permissions
LM-Commons provides components to add roles and permissions to your application.
LmcRbac provides the authorization services to implement role-based access control on top of Laminas\Permissions\Rbac.
Roles and permissions can be defined in simple local configuration file, suitable for applications with a small set of roles and permissions, or in database for application with larger sets of roles and permissions.
LmcRbacMvc is a companion component that extends the functionality of LmcRbac to provide Role-based Access Control (RBAC) for Laminas MVC applications.
LmcRbacMvc provides:
- Route and controller guard to control access to route based on roles.
- Strategies to handle unauthorized access, such as 403 response and redirection
- Controller and view authorization plugins
LmcRbacMezzio (future)
LmcRbacMezzio will be a companion component that extends the functionality of LmcRbac to provide Role-based Access Control (RBAC) for Mezzio applications.