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LM Commons

Community developed packages for the Laminas MVC


LmcUser is a user registration and authentication module for Laminas. LmcUser provides the foundations for adding user authentication and registration to your Laminas site. It is designed to be very simple and easy to extend.


LmcCors is a simple Laminas MVC module that helps you to deal with Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).


LmcRbacMvc is a role-based access control Laminas MVC module to provide additional features on top of Laminas\Permissions\Rbac


LmcMail is an email service module that provides the ability to use the View Manager of a Laminas MVC application and the installed View Helper plugins to render HTML emails.


Role-based access control module to provide additional features on top of Zend\Permissions\Rbac


LmcAdmin Module for Laminas Framework