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How to modify the login and/or registration form timeout


The login/registration form timeout is too small and needs to be extended.


To simply extend the login or registration form timeout, create a local configuration file inside the project (ex: /config/autoload/lmcuser.local.php) and add the necessary configuration options. For example, to allow the login form to live for 30 minutes before expiring :

return [
'lmc_user' => [
'login_form_timeout' => 1800,


The registration form's option is user_form_timeout.

For very long TTL, instead of setting a very high timeout value, it is also possible to refresh the CSRF field value via Ajax. To do so, create a controller and a route to it. For example, we may want to map /user/login/keep-alive to this controller action :

namespace FooModule\Controller

use Laminas\Mvc\Controller\ActionController,

class BarController extends ActionController
public function keepAliveAction()
$loginForm = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('lmcuser_login_form');
return new JsonModel([
'timestamp' => strtotime('now'),
'hash' => $loginForm->get('csrf')->getValidator()->getHash(true),

Then, in your module config, add the JsonStrategy

    'view_manager' => [
// ... other configs
'strategies' => [

and, finally, in your view script (assuming jQuery is used)

function pingLoginForm() {
setTimeout(function() {
$.getJSON("<?php echo $this->url('keep-alive-route-name'); ?>", function(data) {
if (data.timestamp) {
}, 302000); // 5 minutes + 2 seconds


The Javascript timer timeout value may be set via the lmc_user config by setting the view model the proper value from the controller (Laminas MVC v2 only)

$timeout = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('lmcuser_module_options')->getLoginFormTimeout();
return new ViewModel([
// ...
'loginFormTimeout' => $timeout,