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Version: 2.0

Upgrading from v1 to v2

LmcRbac v2 is a major version upgrade with many breaking changes that prevent straightforward upgrading.

Namespace change

The namespace has been changed from LmcRbac to Lmc\Rbac.

Please review your code to replace references to the LmcRbac namespace by the Lmc\Rbac namespace.

LmcRbac is based on laminas-permissions-rbac

LmcRbac is now based on the role class and interface provided by laminas-permissions-rbac which provides a hierarchical role model only.

Therefore the Role, HierarchicalRole classes and the RoleInterface and HierarchicalRoleInterface have been removed in version 2.

The PermissionInterface interface has been removed as permissions in laminas-permissions-rbac as just strings or any objects that can be casted to a string. If you use objects to hold permissions, just make sure that the object can be casted to a string by, for example, implementing a __toString() method.

Refactoring the factories

The factories for services have been refactored from the LmcRbac\Container namespace to be colocated with the service that a factory is creating. All factories in the LmcRbac\Container namespace have been removed.

Refactoring the Assertion Plugin Manager

The AssertionContainer class, interface and factory have been replaced by AssertionPluginManager class, interface and factory.